Friday, July 17, 2020

How To Create a Bibliography in Google Docs

In this video, I 'll show you how to create a bibliography in Google Docs using the EasyBib add-on.


1. Install the Easybib Add-on

2. Click on Add-ons select EasyBib Bibliography Creator

3. Select the reference style

4. Type in the name of the book, journal, or website that you need to include in the bibliography

5. Click search and select the citation

6. Click Add Bibliography to Doc

#googledocs #easybib #bibliography

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How To Create a Google Sign-up Sheet with Choice Removal

In this video, I 'll show you how to create a Google Form with choice removal.

1. Click on the More icon on your Google Form
2. Select Add-On
3. Search and install the "Choice Removal" add-on
4. Go back to your form and click on the add-on (puzzle icon)
5. Select Choice Removal
6. Click on Configuration
7. Select the question(s) that you want to apply the choice removal to
8. Toggle the "Remove Choice" switch